Recent Changes in GRM Web retrieved at 13:39 (GMT)

Pynini: Finite state grammar development in Python Version 2.1.6.post1 is now available for download. Pynini is now available on conda forge. Users users who already...
Pynini documentation ,ggggggggggg, dP```88``````Y8, Yb, 88 `8b `` 88 ,8P gg gg...
OpenGrm NGram Download Release downloads: Current version: ngram 1.3.16.tar.gz (requires C 17) SHA 256: a5cc0fd15556f07fb463616c9a1e16687e3084f3c9944dd6c812385497ec112e...
OpenGrm NGram Library Version 1.3.16 is now available for download. NGram is now available on conda forge. This allows Linux (x86) and Mac OS X users who already...
Specialty operators This describes specialty FST functions for grammar compilation. fst::Cross The cross product operation generates a transducer from two acceptors...
Pynini Download Release downloads: Current version: pynini 2.1.6.post1.tar.gz SHA 256: d831ab53abb22c862fb56471b12edf26e77d2b02d1956f45f0259e6402493084 From...
Baum Welch expectation maximization library Version 0.3.9 is now available for download. Baum Welch is now available on conda forge. Linux (x86) and Mac OS X users...
Baum Welch documentation Training Training is performed using the Train function. It takes as arguments a FAR or WFST representing the plaintext, and channel model...
Baum Welch Download Release downloads: Current version: baumwelch 0.3.9.tar.gz (requires C 17) SHA 256: 51102f6424ab71695d16b1ebf0183eec83de20d093c0571ab9755d1b7d11c...
Thrax Download Release downloads: Current version: thrax 1.3.9.tar.gz (requires C 17) SHA 256: 1e6ed84a747d337c28f2064348563121a439438f5cc0c4de4b587ddf779f1ae...
OpenGrm Thrax Grammar Development Tools Version 1.3.9 now available for download. Thrax is now available on conda forge. Linux (x86) and Mac OS X users who already...
OpenGrm SFst Download Release downloads: Current version: sfst 1.2.1.tar.gz (requires C 17) SHA 256: 3da1473a45cb0cd4eda06a528808dc5fb1f5cfca659189a349aeb1f98018031c...
SFst: Stochastic Finite State Transducer Library OpenGrm SFst version 1.2.1 is now available for download. SFst is a library for normalizing, sampling, combining...
String (de)compilation This directory contains functions useful for mapping strings into FSAs ( compilation ) and for mapping string FSTs onto strings ( printing...
OpenGrm NGram Library Quick Tour This tour is organized around the stages of n gram model creation, modification and use: corpus I/O ( ngramsymbols , farcompilestrings...
NGramSymbols Description Command line utility to produce a symbol table from an input text corpus. Creates a symbol entry for every type in the corpus, as well as...
NGramRead Description It has flags for specifying the format of the text input, currently one of two options: By default, the text file is read as a sorted...
FST optimization There are several ways to `optimize` a weighted finite state transducer (WFST). The C template function fst::Optimize underlies Pynini`s optimize...
OpenFst Quick Tour Below is a brief tutorial on the OpenGrm SFST library based on a running example. We use the command line SFST utilities for this; we could have...
OpenGrm SFst Available Operations The following operations are provided for SFSTs. Care must be taken that the input FSTs meet the specified requirements (e.g. canonical...
OpenGrm SFst Background Material The following is provided as background reading about stochastic finite state transducers and related material. For material...
OpenGrm Libraries OpenGrm is a collection of open source libraries for constructing, combining, applying and searching formal grammars and related representations...
Extended libraries The following are additional free libraries built using Pynini: pynini rewrite: Python module for ap plying rewrite rules edit transducer...
OpenGrm SFST Glossary $ backoff complete FST : a canonical FST for which each state s that has a failure transition to a state s` and another transition with...
OpenGrm Advanced Usage Below are a variety of topics covered in greater depth or of more specialized interest than found in the Quick Tour. Reading the Quick...
OpenGrm Thrax Grammar Compiler The OpenGrm Thrax Grammar Compiler is a set of tools for compiling grammars expressed as regular expressions and context dependent...
Path iteration This describes classes for iterating over paths in an FST. fst::PathIterator This template class provides a basic iterator over paths. It is constructed...
Thrax Release 0.1 (Alpha version.) Thrax Release 1.0 Removed dependency on ICU for UTF8 string parsing: with icu configuration flag no longer needed and...
OpenGrm SFst README OpenGrm SFst Release 1.0 OpenGrm SFst is a library for normalizing, sampling, combining, and approximating stochastic (or probabilistic) finite...
OpenGrm SFst INSTALL html version Installation Instructions Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006,...
OpenGrm SFst COPYING Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the `License`); you may not use these files except in compliance with the License. You may obtain...
OpenGrm NGram README OpenGrm NGram Release 1.3 The OpenGrm NGram library is used for making and modifying n gram language models encoded as weighted finite state...
Statistics for GRM Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and...
Thrax README Thrax Release 1.2 Thrax is a toolkit for compiling grammars based on regular expressions and context dependent rewrite rules into weighted finite state...
Known Bugs Temporary bug in thrax 1.2.2 where AssertNull and AssertEmpty are not being properly registered. This will get fixed soon, but in the meantime as a...
OpenGrm: Contributed and related projects Coming soon
GRM Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the GRM web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in . and...
NGramMarginal Description (Available in versions 1.1.0 and higher.) This operation re estimates smoothed n gram models by imposing marginalization constraints...
Thrax COPYING Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the `License`); you may not use these files except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy...
OpenGrm NGram Authors Principal Author: Brian Roark roarkbr AT Contributors: Cyril Allauzen allauzen AT Michael Riley...
OpenGrm NGram COPYING Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the `License`); you may not use these files except in compliance with the License. You may obtain...
OpenGrm NGram Library Suggestions 1. Improve memory usage of ngramread uses 14 gb for 1.5gb input (Brian) 2. Counting from cyclic FSTs (Cyril) 3. support...
NGramShrink Description This operation shrinks or prunes an n gram language model in one of three ways: count pruning: prunes based on count cutoffs for...
NGramMake Description This operation produces a smoothed, normalized language model from input n gram count FST. It smooths the model in one of six ways: witten...
NGramCount Description This utility counts n grams from an input FST archive. This produces a count FST with the same topology as the eventual normalized model,...
NGramMerge Description This operation merges two n gram language models or two n gram count FSTs. The operation provides options for weighting the two input FSTs...
OpenGrm NGram Library Known Bugs 1. ngramcount using epsilon as backoff has problem finding state if counting order different from model order

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