Below is a brief tutorial on the OpenGrm SFST library based on a running example. We use the command-line SFST utilities for this; we could have instead used the corresponding C++-level utilities in a program (see
Available Operations).
Example Data and Models
For our running example, we will use the text of Oscar Wilde's
The Importance of Being Earnest, which has been upper-cased and had punctuation removed. The first 850 sentences,
are used as training data and the remaining 838 sentences,
earnest_test.txt, are used as test data. We also provide an
-style symbol table,
earnest_train_1000.syms, which
contains the 1000 most frequent words in the training set plus the
token for the empty string and the
token for the unknown word. These training and test sets can be compiled into OpenFst archives with:
$ farcompilestrings --unknown_symbol="<unk>" -keep_symbols -symbols=earnest_train_1000.syms earnest_train.txt >earnest_train.far
$ farcompilestrings --unknown_symbol="<unk>" -keep_symbols -symbols=earnest_train_1000.syms earnest_test.txt >earnest_test.far
Using the
OpenGrm NGram
utilities, these are used to construct a bigram Katz LM on the training data,
, and the test data,
. From
we create a 2000 n-gram, entropy-pruned LM,
$ ngramcount -order=$order earnest_train.far >earnest_train.cnts
$ ngrammake earnest_train.cnts >earnest_train.mod
$ ngramcount -order=$order earnest_test.far >earnest_test.cnts
$ ngrammake earnest_test.cnts >earnest_test.mod
$ ngramshrink --method="relative_entropy" --target_number_of_ngrams=2000 earnest_train.mod >
We can compute the perplexity of these models relative to the test set using the SFst operation
as follows (
returns the same values, restricted to n-gram input):
$ sfstperplexity --unknown_label=1001 -phi_label=0 earnest_train.mod earnest_test.far
# of sources 838
cross entropy/source 49.92315
perplexity/symbol 73.4146
# of OOVs 1363
$ sfstperplexity --unknown_label=1001 -phi_label=0 earnest_train.mod earnest_train.far
# of sources 850
cross entropy/source 37.8284
perplexity/symbol 26.19
# of OOVs 568
$ sfstperplexity --unknown_label=1001 -phi_label=0 earnest_test.far
# of sources 838
cross entropy/source 51.5088
perplexity/symbol 84.1474
# of OOVs 1363
We can also compute the self perplexities and cross perplexities of the models:
$ sfstperplexity -phi_label=0 earnest_train.mod
# of sources 1
self entropy/source 55.9322
perplexity/symbol 72.518
$ sfstperplexity -phi_label=0
# of sources 1
self entropy/source 56.3617
perplexity/symbol 84.8603
$ sfstperplexity --unknown_label=1001 -phi_label=0 earnest_train.mod
# of sources 1
cross entropy/source 59.2278
perplexity/symbol 93.3396
# of OOVs 196
$ sfstperplexity --unknown_label=1001 -phi_label=0 earnest_train.mod
# of sources 1
cross entropy/source 57.839
perplexity/symbol 95.336
# of OOVs 23
We can sample from these SFSTs as follows:
$ sfstrandgen -phi_label=0 earnest_train.mod | fstprint --acceptor
0 1 YES
1 2 BUT
2 3 I
6 7 <epsilon>
7 8 THAT
8 9 NAME
9 10 <epsilon>
10 11 YOUR
11 12 COUSIN
12 13 CECILY
The following steps show that SFT approximation is effectively
idempotent: the perplexity of the approximation of a SFST onto the same topology gives the same perplexity as the source.
$ sfstapprox -phi_label=0 earnest_train.mod earnest_train.mod >earnest_train.approx
$ sfstperplexity --unknown_label=1001 -phi_label=0 earnest_train.approx earnest_test.far
# of sources 838
cross entropy/source 49.9231
perplexity/symbol 73.4145
# of OOVs 1363
An alternative, equivalent way to perform this approximation is to break it into two steps, where the counting and normalization are done separately.
$ sfstcount -phi_label=0 earnest_train.mod earnest_train.mod >earnest_train.approx_cnts
$ sfstnormalize -method=kl_min -phi_label=0 earnest_train.approx_cnts >earnest_train.approx2
$ sfstperplexity --unknown_label=1001 -phi_label=0 earnest_train.approx2 earnest_test.far
# of sources 838
cross entropy/source 49.9231
perplexity/symbol 73.4145
# of OOVs 1363
Test Set-Based Target Topology
If we use the test-set bigram as the target topology we would expect to get a better test set perplexity since we include all the relevant bigrams.
$ sfstapprox -phi_label=0 earnest_train.mod earnest_test.mod >earnest_train.approx2
$ sfstperplexity --unknown_label=1001 -phi_label=0 earnest_train.approx2 earnest_test.far
# of sources 838
cross entropy/source 49.3171
perplexity/symbol 69.6842
# of OOVs 1363
Pruned Target Topology
If we use the pruned training-set bigram as the target topology, we will get a different weighting than the greedy relative-entropy pruning performed above. This approximation seeks the minimum KL-distance solution
and proves somewhat better than the 84.1474 above.
$ sfstapprox -phi_label=0 earnest_train.mod >
$ sfstperplexity --unknown_label=1001 -phi_label=0 earnest_test.far
# of sources 838
cross entropy/source 51.3661
perplexity/symbol 83.1204
# of OOVs 1363