Pynini: Finite-state grammar development in Python

Red led Version 2.1.6.post1 is now available for download.

Radioactive Pynini is now available on conda-forge. Users users who already have Conda can install Pynini and all dependencies using the following command: conda install -c conda-forge pynini

First class Pynini can now be used from a Colab notebook; see here for an example.

OpenGrm Pynini, like Thrax, compiles grammars expressed as strings, regular expressions, and context-dependent rewrite rules into weighted finite-state transducers. It uses the OpenFst library and its Python extension to create, access and manipulate compiled grammars. Pynini is embedded in a Python module, allowing users to write Thrax-like grammars using Python's flexible syntax (including imperative programming constructs not available in Thrax) and powerful toolchain.

It is (loosely) named after Pāṇini (पाणिनि), the renowned Sanskrit grammarian.

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Topic revision: r84 - 2025-02-06 - KyleGorman
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