OpenFst for Windows
OpenFst (Version 1.1) library and command line tools for Windows compiled with Visual Studio.
Visual C++ 2008 SP1 is required; this includes the free express edition avaliable here
VC++ Express 2008
The OpenFst Visual Studio files are available
here (32bit solutions only)
and here
here (32bit and and 64bit solutions)
PaulDixon - 07 Mar 2009
OpenFst (Version 1.3.1) library and command line tools for Windows compiled with Visual Studio 2010. To compile Visual C++ 2010 is required, the free express edition of VC++ 2010 is untested but may work. All the extensions are included and compiled but are currently untested.
PaulDixon - 07 Jan 2012
OpenFst (Version 1.4.1) library and command line tools for Windows and Visual Studio 2013. To compile Visual C++ 2013 is required, the free express edition of VC++ 20103 is untested but may work. All the extensions are included and compiled but are currently untested. The latest code is available on
PaulDixon - 24 May 2014