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OpenFst Forum 2018 Archive
Unknown FST type "vector" (arc type = "standard")
pair weights in weight
ComposeFst Memory Allocation
openfst-1.6.8.tar.gz checksum changed
Implementing FST composition with "slop"
Binaries exit silently reading unknown FST weight type
Avoiding use of class values during backoff
missing PROGRAM FLAGS in openfst-1.6.7 on cygwin
why are we loosing 1 bit in expression of labels and states ?
RandGen () with LogProbArcSelector question
building 1.6.7 problem
Successful cross-compilation of OpenFST, OpenGRM NGram and OpenGRM Thrax using MinGW
Linear FST error with other fst operation
Pynini and destructive operations
find N unique ShortestPaths for StdVectorFst using c++
weight type conversion in fst
Intersect operation gives error on symbol tables mismatch
Get raw arc arrays from VectorFst or ArcIterator.
OpenFst Forum 2017 Archive
Error in fstconvert in openfst-1.6.5
python minimize allow_nondet
python3 and configure
How recover state mapping after ShortestPath?
Pywrapfst API
Python installation difficulties with both methods
how to implement an on the fly fst replacement?
Error compiling OpenFst
Pre-initialized composition
trouble installing Pynini on Mac OS X
Error installing OpenFST under Ubuntu
patch for failed cross-compile on openfst-1.6.3
How to properly link my own program with openfst's
How to static link openFST with -fPIC?
Label IDs for matchers
Pynini installation difficulties
Bad fst header error in fstcompose
Incorrect C++ code
How can I get SFST Library?
Non-functional FST at HCLG stage
Optimal use of ReplaceFst
Installation Problem
About an error
mutable versions of classes in pywrapfst
Compilation of Openfst 1.6.2 fails with Intel Compiler
Do not link against python libraries on mac
Python extension error
Compilation on Ubuntu 16.10 (yakkety)
Nontrivial examples of the C++ interface
compilation on iOS?
Looking for "Runtime Code" to simulate the application of a transducer
Delayed composition via Python API
FST determinizability
OpenFst Forum 2016 Archive
Showing characters in the input label in PyFST
+= and *= equivalence functions for weights
Label with String
pywrapfst SymbolTable allow_negative_labels flag?
openfst 1.5.3 causes ld to segfault with gcc 4.7.2
ShortestDistance very slow?
Shortest distance very slow?
Python extension compilation error
Changing Stateid value.
fst/fstlib.h header not found
ArcIterator construction is very slow with delayed composition
Speed of weighted FST loading in c++
Possible bug in ReplaceFstMatcher?
G.fst in ngram format work fail on arm
How to compute edit distance of a given text line
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'int' and 'RestrictedProperty'
Linking problem on 64bit arch
OpenFst Forum 2015 Archive
converting standard lattice format into and FST file
Minimization for fsts with negative weights
Gentle Intro to Lazy FST Operations
Wildcard arcs
TopSort not working on FST
Generation of words accepted by a Finite-State Machine
Arcs labeled with strings
Putting only one expression on arcs
Expected edit distance
Assigning the symbol table to FSTs in C++
From weighted words to weighted phrase: how to isolate word scores at phrase level?
Compiling with mingw32
Is there an existing implementation to check if one node is reachable from another in an fst ?
Lookahead composition without PushWeightsComposeFilter
fstshortestpath --unique?
farcreate bug
OpenFst Forum 2014 Archive
Special arcs from the command line?
Error when compile openfst 1.4.1
Minimizing Transducers
Determinize. Is this a bug ?
FST Permute ?
Problems using farcompilestrings and far_reader?
fstcompile to fstdraw
Double Weighted arcs with composition lookahead filter
Determinize, multithreading
Deleting a specific arc in an FST
Using fstreplace after fst composition
Phi-matcher in PDT
Encoding and composing a character-to-token lexicon transducer with UNKs
Compile openfst 1.4.1 on 64-bit Ubuntu VM?
Is there a simple way to add weighted arcs from final nodes to initial node?
Compile error OpenFST 1.4.1
Multiple score on the arc...?
Error installing openGRM on Mac 10.9.2
Intersection gives a FATAL error
OpenFst website back up
Linking OpenFst
Bug in weight-class.h: ConvertKeyToSoFilename() ?
Is there a general approach to eliminating redundant (higher-weighted) paths in cyclic WFSAs?
OpenFst Forum 2013 Archive
Infinity weight in compiled fst
Why do I get Infinity weight in final state?
error in ubuntu 13.10
fstequal command
Visual Studio OpenFST 1.3.4
Compiling errors on Mac Mavericks 10.9
Availability of linear classifier/tagger FST extension
How to compile on 64 bit machine
kPosInfinity in old version of fst
Probably, bug: arc-map.h, ArcMap(), case MAP_REQUIRE_SUPERFINAL
Optimization issue: functions Times and Divide on logartithmic and tropical weights
Which optimization is applied to OpenFst 1.3.3 ?
Can I get OpenFst 1.3.3 Visual Studio Project
Merging symbol tables
I/O error for large FSTs
Making an FST with C++: How to define strings as labels?
GenericRegister::GetEntry : lookup failed in shared object
how to use fstreplace tool
Regex to FST
Coordinate Descent Solution for Rational Kernels
“FATAL: StringWeight::Plus: unequal arguments” when running fstdeterminize.
Composition result too large: how to make smaller?
Double delete bug in fst far reader
Get the Arcs whose nextstate is equal to a given q
Testing an FST for epsilon cycles
Example of k-closed semiring that is non-idempotent
OpenFst Forum 2012 Archive
Use .fst Files
FST and Rational Kernels - Computational Biology
openfst version with glog and gflags
Conflicting #define in <fst/string.h>
3-way composition
composition yields empty file
How to get possible paths of a word from the pre-built fst
Extract all possible outputs
ArcSort, Compose and transducers without start states
Version 1.3.1 not available
Newbie question about determinization in the log semiring
PDT intersection
C++11 compatibility
dynamic PowerArc
"Wildcard" (?, @) arcs?
Change version numbering when updating downloads
composition in sparse semiring time and memory issues
Determinization on functional FSTs
Issues with using fstdraw on sample FST
how to extract input and output symbols from fst file?
how to extract input and output symbols from fst file?
fstinfo on models created with opengrm
k-shortest path on PDT?
Cannot link openfst in Ubuntu (3.0.0-19-server #33-Ubuntu, x86_64) with gcc 4.6.1
OpenFST 1.3 and Unicode
Adding arcs to a sorted fst
fstencode problem
Problem in shared JNI library. Symbol not found: _FLAGS_fst_align
Current usage of .FstType() and .ArcType()
"State structure" of FST after look-ahead composition
FATAL: FastLogAcumulator::LogMinus: f1 >= f2 with f1 = 0 and f2 = 0
Compatibility issues with new C++0x (C++11) and gcc 4.6
Cannot figure how to get reference to pass to SingleShortestPath
Converting from Tropical Weight to Log Weight
Thrax newbie question
far weirdness strikes again
Minimizing an unweighted transducer is slow
Using feature vector as input
Segmentation Fault at initialization (Static Order Initialization Fiasco instance?)
Problem with PhiMatcher: "ComposeFst: 1st argument cannot match on output labels and 2nd argument cannot match on input labels (sort?)."
NumArcs(stateId) in a delayed FST without expanding
Can I use Rho/Phi matchers together with LookAheadMatcher?
Update on composition with failure transitions?
Need an example for using LookAheadComposeFilter with LookAheadMatcher.
OpenFst Forum 2011 Archive
Can ComposeFst "shift" input labels?
Can you please explain why ProjectFst< StdArc >(C, PROJECT_OUTPUT) does not work, when C is of the type ComposeFst
reduce memory consumption of fstcompile
google-like autocomplete and openfst
Bit of confusion on usage of ExpectationArc
Nice way of computing total cost of all paths in FST?
Link errors in ubuntu linux
Link errors in ubuntu linux
HistogramPruneQueue ? or, ConstantSizeQueue ?
Modifying an arc in constant time
fstshortestpath gives reversed output?
Odd behavior for RmEpsilon for Fst with LogArc
Bug in VectorFst?
Minimize gives different results on different systems
Help with setting up openfst on windows7
not-integer StateId's - is it possible?
Running stream of input through FST and obtaining output and total weight
More updated documentation on OpenFst internals?
Customized composition
Modifying arc using matcher
Bug in RmEpsilon and arcs with a weight of Zero() ?
Why doesn't LogArc work for shortest path algorithm?
1.1 Version source?
List-based Fst ?
StringWeight and epsilon
FSTs with Predicates
How to populate GallicArc?
Transducer learning algorithm (e.g. OSTIA) in openfst
why log/tropical semiring is -log(p), not just log?
compare weights
using ToGallicMapper for alternative transition representation with ProductWeight or GallicWeight
Trying to minimize an automaton leaves the automaton unchanged
Openkernel question
What is Segmentation fault?
wFSTs as language model
fst determinization and minimization problem
rho and sigma in openfst
Cache usage in delayed composition of cached ComposeFsts
how to use compose to reverse an fst?
Converting a grammar to an wfst
Epsilon Normalization and its effect on Weight Pushing
fstdeterminize vs. Determinize()
Determinizing cascade for ASR
Bash Completion Script
Building OpenFST with unicode support on Mac OSX 10.6.
FST Minimization
how to use fst to input and output?
Memory leaks after deleting transducers
Has anyone used OpenFST for morphological analysis?
OpenFst Forum 2010 Archive
On the fly composition
About FST recognition and transduction algorithm
LoG composition eps normalization runs out of memory
N-gram model computation
Thread safety
Shell command: Print all words / create FST from word list
Edit Distance- compose 3 fst
When is it "safe" to call Synchronize() ?
Unable to minimize already determinized transducer
Pre-Determinization Algorithm
FST Determinization Question
compiler warning comparison signed and unsigned
Determinize problem and Composition filters
Shortest Path with constraints
Compose FST
Compact fst
Incremental redundancy reduction
Forward / Backward variables
'fst::Cast' : ambiguous call to overloaded function
Compiling openfst-1.2.3 with Visual C++ 2008 Express
Lookahead Composition Filter with RhoMatcher
unexpected composition result
far weirdness
unweighted transducers
compilation needs -ldl
Random FST generation
Convert machine from FSM to FST
Compiling 1.2.1 on Mac OSX
Application of RTNs?
Mindtuning for PDT?
fstcompose output
Compiling openfst-1.2 on cygwin
ReplaceFst() and testing for CyclicDependencies
Multithreading in OpenFST
memory problem in fstcompose
Composition and ShortestPath
transducing phoneme lattices using WFSTs
Probabilities as weights
Deleting arcs in an Fst
arcsum.h and arcmerge.h minor bug?
Memory footprint of an Fst
hbka reference paper
Problems with fstshortestpath
Is it possible to use fstcompile to construct an acceptor instead of a transducer?
Missing installation files for creating a user-defined arc type?
Problems on Ubuntu Linux 9.10
Relabel() and epsilon Properties
OpenFst Forum 2009 Archive
Finding n-shortest paths
Why is 64bit determinization slower 100 times than 32bit determinization?
Adding other properties to arcs
k-closed semirings
ReWeight: Working Example
read function causes problems
Determinization increases size of FST
ArcSort error with Mutable FSTs
do we have a transition that encodes a fail transition?
regular expression compiler
Traverse the FST to check if it accepts a string or not and give appropriate output
compute weight automatically
how to remove a weighted FSA's weights?
Performance issues?
Label pushing - unexpected behavior?
Problem with Determinize and Minimize
Constrains for the maximum size of the FSTs?
RmEpsilon, AutoQueue and Queue Disciplines
a stand in symbol for any symbol; printing out the strings for FSA
det(L o G) becomes more complex than L o G
How to deal with < / s > label in constructing ngram model
Switching weight pushing in the log semiring and in the tropical semiring
Compiling openfst-1.1 on cygwin
build 64bit openFST
valgrind complaints with Replace on openfst-1.1
very slow delayed union on openfst 1.1
Transforming a collection of strings
AT&T FsmLib vs openFST for exe ussage
What semiring is the default in fstminimize, fstdeterminize ?
problem with compiling openfst on Windows with Visual Studio 2008
OpenFst and AT&T FSM support UTF8 or Unicode Encoding?
Pattern Matching using Mohri 1997 algorithm
Pruning without changing state ID's.
User-defined Flags
auxiliary symbols and a speech recognition cascade
Converting a "linearized transducer" into a true transducer FST
A few small bugs
OpenFST vs. BOOST Graph Library for operations on language models
N-way Composition Support
New behaviour of SetInputSymbols/SetOutputSymbols ?
Sat vocabulary building software
Mindtuning for the Encode/Determinize/Decode workaround
Minor bug in assignment operator
When is it safe to RmEpsilon(), Determinize(), Minimize() When is it safe to automatically RmEpsilon(), Determinize() and/or Minimize()
Compiling openfst-1.0 on cygwin
fstcompose memory consumption?
possibility of facing infinite loop in fstdeterminize
Minor fixes needed to compile with GCC 4.3
Ignore(A, B, &C) algorithm?
Documentation of OpenFst binary file format?
OpenFst Forum 2008 Archive
Patch for GNU autotools including libtool for OpenFst 20080422
Determinize, Sequentialize, Subsequentialize
Determinize and functional transducers
Request: Determinize in place
StateIterator and the Start state
Failure transitions
Interactive manual testing of an FST
Easy way to query the number of paths in an FST?
About Factoring Algorithm of WFST
Here is a patch to use CMake for builds (tested on Linux and Mac OS X)
Efficient Way of Taking the Union of Several FSTs
possible bug in fstdeterminize in case of log semiring
LM using FST
compilation gotcha with spaces in directory names
Input and output alphabets
Interpreting complement character ranges
Mindtuning: value of separate input and output symbol tables?
"Normalizing" arc/final weights on an FST?
Natural code for printing all strings accepted by an FST?
Why is TropicalWeight considered standard?
Compiler error on Determinize().
New Release of OpenFst?
Another newbie question
OpenFst Forum 2007 Archive
Newbie question: compiling a C++ program using the OpenFst library
Autoconfiscating patch
Lazy VectorFst?
porting openfst to Windows
Evaluating the Weights
make on 64-bit Linux
deleting transducers?
Crossproduct and Complement
AT&T FSM format (text format) and Unicode
composition of FSTs
write FST in AT&T FSM format
Determininizg / Minimizing
Multicharacter Labels
changing an arc weight
labels and integers
compiling OpenFst beta on macosx
creating string fsa via c++ code
Cyril Allauzen - 2014-04-21
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