Recent Changes in FST Web retrieved at 21:37 (GMT)

Compose Description This operation computes the composition of two transducers. If A transduces string x to y with weight a and B transduces y to z...
Closure Description This operation computes the concatenative closure. If A transduces string x to y with weight a , then the closure transduces x to y...
ArcMap Description This operation transforms each arc and final state in the input FST. The transformation is specified by a function object called an arc mapper...
ArcSort Description This operation sorts the arcs in an FST per state. At the C level, the sort order is determined by a function object compare of type Compare...
OpenFst Examples Reading the quick tour first is recommended. That includes a simple example of FST application using either the C template level or the shell...
Efficiency By reading the Quick Tour and Conventions and working through the examples, users typically can create correct implementations of applications. What...
OpenFst Authors Principal Contacts: Cyril Allauzen allauzen AT Michael Riley riley AT Contributors: These contributions...
OpenFst README OpenFst Release 1.5.3 OpenFst is a library for constructing, combining, optimizing, and searching weighted finite state transducers (FSTs). REQUIREMENTS...
FST Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the FST web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in . and...
Multi Pushdown Transducer Library (MPDTs) The multi pushdown transducer (MPDT) extension extends the Transducer Library extension to allow for multiple stacks. As...

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