Recent Changes in FST Web retrieved at 08:12 (GMT)

Statistics for FST Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and...
OpenFst Download Release downloads: Current version: openfst 1.8.3.tar.gz SHA 256: 077714159d5cf3e38a80b6c6656d3ccc2c8b8b6c50bb41bb65c5fec10796bf53 From the...
OpenFst Library OpenFst version 1.8.3 is now available for download. OpenFst is now also available on conda forge. Linux (x86) and Mac OS X users who already...
OpenFst Advanced Usage Below are a variety of topics covered in greater depth or of more specialized interest than found in the Quick Tour. Reading the Quick...
OpenFst Python extension This extension exposes the OpenFst scripting API to (3.6 or better). Like the scripting API, it supports FstAdvancedUsage#FstArcs...
OpenFst Conventions The OpenFst Libary has various conventions and assumptions about its objects and coding style. Object Conventions 1. The StateIds...
OpenFst Extensions The following extensions to OpenFst are available. These are built only if the configure flags are provided as below. Also provided are...
OpenFst Quick Tour Below is a brief tutorial on the OpenFst library. After reading this, you may wish to browse the Advanced Usage topic for greater detail...
ShortestDistance Description This operation computes the shortest distance from the initial state to every state (when reverse is false ) or from every state to...
OpenFst Background Material The following material is provided as background reading about finite state transducers. However, it is not necessary to read this...
Determinize Description This operation determinizes a weighted transducer. The result will be an equivalent FST that has the property that no state has two transitions...
Minimize Description This operation performs the minimization of deterministic weighted automata and transducers. If the input FST A is an automaton (acceptor)...
Verify Description This operation checks the sanity of a FST`s contents. It returns false if the transducer is incomplete or ill formed (e.g., a non trivial FST...
Union Description This operation computes the union ( sum ) of two FSTs. If A transduces string x to y with weight a and B transduces string w to v...
Topsort Description This operation topologically sorts its input if acyclic, modifying it. Otherwise, the input is unchanged. When sorted, all transitions are from...
Synchronize Description This operation synchronizes a transducer. The result will be an equivalent FST that has the property that during the traversal of a path,...
StateMap Description This operation transforms each state in the input FST. The transformation is specified by a function object called a state mapper . For instance...
ShortestPath Description This operation produces an FST containing the n shortest paths in the input FST. The n shortest paths are the n lowest weight paths...
RmEpsilon Description This operation removes epsilon transitions (when both the input and output label are an epsilon) from a transducer. The result will be an equivalent...
Reweight Description This operation reweights an FST according to the potentials and in the direction specified by the user. An arc of weight w , with an origin...

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