OpenGrm Thrax tools: Contributed and related projects

This topic is meant for hosting projects or links to projects using or related to the OpenGrm Thrax tools. Please add to this as appropriate. If you host here, please keep your resource usage modest. If you do not have edit permissions, please contact the administrator.

Software using the OpenGrm Thrax tools:

Projects using the OpenGrm Thrax tools:

  • export.tgz: Grammars and software developed as part of a text normalization class taught at the Center for Spoken Language Understanding, Fall 2011. URL for the course:
    • New version of the above that compiles against Thrax version 1.1.0 and corrects a bug in shared-object library ordering: export2.tgz
Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Compressed Zip archivetgz export.tgz r1 manage 713.7 K 2012-06-27 - 20:21 RichardSproat Grammars and software developed as part of a text normalization class taught at the Center for Spoken Language Understanding, Fall 2011
Compressed Zip archivetgz export2.tgz r1 manage 789.9 K 2014-01-19 - 16:32 RichardSproat New version of the above that compiles against Thrax version 1.1.0 and corrects a bug in shared-object library ordering
Compressed Zip archivetgz export3.tgz r1 manage 890.8 K 2016-02-09 - 12:42 RichardSproat Version of the above that compiles against Thrax 1.2.0
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Topic revision: r5 - 2016-02-09 - RichardSproat
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