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Results from GRM web retrieved at 06:00 (GMT)

OpenGrm SFst Available Operations The following operations are provided for SFSTs. Care must be taken that the input FSTs meet the specified requirements (e.g. canonical...
OpenGrm SFst Background Material The following is provided as background reading about stochastic finite state transducers and related material. For material...
OpenGrm SFst COPYING Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the `License`); you may not use these files except in compliance with the License. You may obtain...
OpenGrm SFst Download Release downloads: Current version: sfst 1.2.1.tar.gz (requires C 17) SHA 256: 3da1473a45cb0cd4eda06a528808dc5fb1f5cfca659189a349aeb1f98018031c...
OpenGrm SFST Glossary $ backoff complete FST : a canonical FST for which each state s that has a failure transition to a state s` and another transition with...
SFst: Stochastic Finite State Transducer Library OpenGrm SFst version 1.2.1 is now available for download. SFst is a library for normalizing, sampling, combining...
OpenFst Quick Tour Below is a brief tutorial on the OpenGrm SFST library based on a running example. We use the command line SFST utilities for this; we could have...
OpenGrm SFst README OpenGrm SFst Release 1.0 OpenGrm SFst is a library for normalizing, sampling, combining, and approximating stochastic (or probabilistic) finite...
OpenGrm SFst INSTALL html version Installation Instructions Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006,...
Number of topics: 9

Topic revision: r87 - 2019-12-15 - KyleGorman
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