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Results from GRM web retrieved at 16:44 (GMT)

Pynini: Finite state grammar development in Python Version 2.1.6.post1 is now available for download. Pynini is now available on conda forge. Users users who already...
Pynini documentation ,ggggggggggg, dP```88``````Y8, Yb, 88 `8b `` 88 ,8P gg gg...
Pynini Download Release downloads: Current version: pynini 2.1.6.post1.tar.gz SHA 256: d831ab53abb22c862fb56471b12edf26e77d2b02d1956f45f0259e6402493084 From...
Extended libraries The following are additional free libraries built using Pynini: pynini rewrite: Python module for ap plying rewrite rules edit transducer...
Specialty operators This describes specialty FST functions for grammar compilation. fst::Cross The cross product operation generates a transducer from two acceptors...
FST optimization There are several ways to `optimize` a weighted finite state transducer (WFST). The C template function fst::Optimize underlies Pynini`s optimize...
Path iteration This describes classes for iterating over paths in an FST. fst::PathIterator This template class provides a basic iterator over paths. It is constructed...
String (de)compilation This directory contains functions useful for mapping strings into FSAs ( compilation ) and for mapping string FSTs onto strings ( printing...
Number of topics: 8

Topic revision: r87 - 2019-12-15 - KyleGorman
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