Backlinks to NGramModelFormat in all Webs (Search GRM Web only)

Results from GRM web retrieved at 12:08 (GMT)

OpenGrm Advanced Usage Below are a variety of topics covered in greater depth or of more specialized interest than found in the Quick Tour. Reading the Quick...
NGramInfo Description The command line utility ngraminfo prints various information about an n gram model obtained from the NGramModel class and the underlying...
NGramPrint Description By default, only n grams are printed (without backoff epsilon transitions), in the same format as discussed above for reading in n gram...
OpenGrm NGram Library Quick Tour This tour is organized around the stages of n gram model creation, modification and use: corpus I/O ( ngramsymbols , farcompilestrings...
NGramRead Description It has flags for specifying the format of the text input, currently one of two options: By default, the text file is read as a sorted...
OpenGrm SFST Glossary $ backoff complete FST : a canonical FST for which each state s that has a failure transition to a state s` and another transition with...
Statistics for GRM Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and...
Number of topics: 7

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